Is chat gpt replace your job?

Gautam Soni
2 min readApr 26, 2023

• What is ChatGPT ?

Since ChatGPT was made available to the general public in November 2022, it has been frequently mentioned in the media, whether it is based on ChatGPT or something similar. What is it, how might it work, what should truly be possible, and what are the risks of using it?

A quick compass of the web will show you lots of things that ChatGPT can do. There are a lot of these that are obvious. You can ask it to write a letter, a story, or engaging sections for an index. A good number of these go beyond your initial assumptions in a small but significant way. You can demand it to deliver an overview from terms for site plan improvement, you can demand that it make a scrutinizing list on subjects that you're excited about. A book has been written with its assistance. The fact that ChatGPT can write software may or may not be remarkable; We've been using GitHub Copilot for more than a year, which used a previous version of GPT. Additionally, some of these items are stunning. It can make sense of code that you have no idea how to understand, including code that has been intentionally misinterpreted. It can profess to be a functioning system. or, alternatively, a text-based game. Clearly ChatGPT isn't your common robotized visit server.

• Is ChatGPT can replace jobs?

Artificial intelligence is being used in every field, from marketing, banking, and finance to agriculture, healthcare, and gaming. Today, people are using chatbots for everything from writing books to cheating in exams. Google has even said that if they had taken an interview with Chatgpt, they would have hired Chatbox as an entry-level coder.

The time has come when humans will be kept only to supervise artificial intelligence. It may sound crazy, but this is the truth. Continue read...

